Sunday, June 26, 2011

Leatherwork Merit Badge

One great project idea

  1. Identify and demonstrate to your counselor the safe use of leatherworking tools. Show correct procedures for handling leathercraft dyes, cements, and finished. Know first aid for cuts, internal poisoning, and skin irritation.
  2. Explain to your counselor
    a. Where leather comes from
    b. What kinds of hides are used to make leather
    c. What are five types of leather
    d. What are the best uses for each type of leather

  3. Make one or more articles of leather that use at least five of the following steps:
    a. Pattern layout and transfer
    b. Cutting leather
    c. Punching holes
    d. Carving or stamping surface designs.
    e. Applying dye or stain and finish to the project.
    f. Assembly by lacing or stitching
    g. Setting snaps and rivets
    h. Dressing edges

  4. Recondition or show that you can take proper care of your shoes, a baseball glove, a saddle, furniture or other articles of leather.

  5. Do ONE of the following:
    a. Learn about the commercial tanning process. Report about it to your merit badge counselor.
    b. Tan the skin of a small animal. Describe the safety precautions you will take and the tanning method that you used.
    c. Braid or plait an article out of leather or vinyl lace.
    d. Visit a leather-related business. This could be a leathercraft supply company, a tannery, a leather goods or shoe factory, or a saddle shop. Report on your visit to your counselor.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Troop Meeting - June 28th -Tuesday- 7:00pm Grace Lutheran Church.

June 28th -Tuesday- 7:00pm -Troop Meeting -   Grace Lutheran Church.  Troop Trailer camping gear prepare for Cuyuna.  Everyone should be at this meeting. 

  • Uniform Inspection (Class A - shirt, pants, belt, and socks, and patch placement)
  • Hand out troop postition patches (Patrol leader, Asst. Patrol leader, Quatermaster) 
  • Discuss personal packing list for Camp Cuyuna - what to bring, what not to bring.
  • Discuss summer camp (Partol meeting)  patrol name, flag, and yell and song.
  • Questions and Answers.
  • Close meeting.
July 2nd -Saturday- 9:00am - Everyone Pack Scout Trailer with Scout Personal Gear
July 3rd -Sunday- 6:30am - Meet at Grace Lutheran Church - Leaving for Camp Cuyuna.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

More Camp Ripley Photos

I posted the rest of the Camp Ripley photos on a separate page.  The link is on the right side of the page.  Make sure you watch the video of Connor M's new dance move.
Here is a picture of the two new patrols with the SPL in the middle.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Campers Equipment List


(Make copies of this page for each boy.)

q  Medical Form & permission forms
q  Medication
q  Complete Scout Uniform (Scout Shirt, pants, belt, Socks)
q  Sweater or Sweatshirt
q  Swim Trunks
q  Notebook & Pencil
q  Merit Badge Pamphlets
q  Pack or Duffel Bag
q  Flashlight
q  Ground Cloth (10ft x 10ft sheet of heavy plastic)
q  Pocket Knife (no sheathed straight knives)
q  Extra Shirts
q  Underwear
q  Wet Shoes*
q  Hiking Shoes with Heels
q  Tennis Shoes
q  Toilet Kit (soap, comb, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste)
q  Scout Handbook
q  Insect Repellent
q  Sunscreen
q  OA Sash
q  Mess Kit (if troop requires)
q  Extra Pants
q  Socks
q  Pajamas or Sweats
q  Jacket
q  Towel
q  Sleeping bag/sheets/ blankets
q  Sleeping cot or foam pads
q  Rain Gear
q  Watch
q  Spending Money  $25 - 50


q  Bible or Prayer Book
q  Sewing Kit
q  Gloves
q  Totin’ Chip
q  Small Pillow
q  Personal First Aid Kit
q  Fishing Gear (fishing pole, small tackel box, bait)
q  Nose or Ear Plugs
q  Firem’n Chit
q  Compass
q  Camera
q  Canteen
q  Sleeping Pad
q  Scout Book
q  Folding Chair
q  Batteries (D, C , AA, AAA)

q  Postcards & Stamps

We suggest that each item be labeled to help in returning lost and found.
 *All boating activities require participants wear shoes that may get wet.
Cell phones, radios, Ipad, mp3 player, video games, and other electronics should be left at home.

Spending Money: In addition to the money for the trading post, which carries everything from camping equipment to snacks, sweatshirts & hats, scouts should also plan on expenses for the following merit badges: Art, Leatherwork, Woodcarving, Basketry, Art, Archery ($3-12), Rifle Shooting ($15), Shotgun Shooting ($25), Golf ($20-30), Scouts may also wish to purchase other items for merit badges they are completing.

Visits: Visitors are always welcome at any of our camps. Please check in at the Administration Building. No vehicles are allowed beyond the main parking lot. Visitors should not be in any campsite without specific invitation from that troop and are to depart from camp by Family members may only spend evenings in the Family Camp.
The Sunday and Friday night campfires may be of particular interest to you. It is requested that you plan to arrive on one of these afternoons. During the afternoon you can tour our camp program area and your child’s troop site.
Visitors are welcome to join their scouts for dinner for a fee of $6.00 per meal. We will need to know in advance how many guests we will have so food may be prepared for the correct number.

Mail: Scouts will be encouraged to send postcards and letters home and parents are encouraged to write their child at camp.  Please use the following address when sending letters to campers.
Scout’s Name, Troop #
Cuyuna Scout Camp
PO Box 250
Crosslake, MN 56442

Phone: A frequent question from parents is how to reach their child. Please write; don’t call unless it is an emergency (phone calls encourage homesickness). Remember, there is no telephone next to your scout’s tent, and the phone in camp is for emergencies only. (218) 692-3612.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June Schedule - Meeting dates

June 13th -Monday- 7:00pm- Troop & Parent Committee Meeting 
June 13th - Monday- 8:00pmScout Troop Meeting at Grace Lutheran Church.   Agenda - Planning for Summer Camp

June 28th -Monday- 7:00pm -Troop Meeting -   Grace Lutheran Church.  Troop Trailer camping gear prepare for Cuyuna.  Everyone should be at this meeting.  Inventory, clean and pack Scout Equipment.

July 2nd -Saturday- 9:00am - Pack Scout Trailer with Scout Personal Gear
July 3rd -Sunday- 6:30am - Meet at Grace Lutheran Church - Leaving for Camp Cuyuna.

Riply Rendzvous 2011 - Camp Riply Army Base, Minnesota

What a great experience the 3,500 Boy Scouts had at Riply Rendzvous 2011.

Troop 56 of Fairmont, MN was well represented with 10 boy attending the event, which happen once every 4 yrs.  The weather was beautiful, and the boys said they all had a great time.  Much appreciation goes out to all the leaders that planned this event, as well as the support provided by the Minnesota Army National Guard. 
There was an Extreme Program, Adventure Program, and Action Center.  Two years of planning went into this event, and the grand finally was a live stage show with a Jass Band, Singers, Comedians, and Gymnast.
The General of the Minnesota Guard gave a wonderful speech about how proud everyone should be to be a scout in the Boy Scouts of America.

The boys had an opportunity to learn some new skills and interact with other scouts from all around the Midwest and Canada.  Learning to through the tomahawk is harder that it looks.

There where many displays and attractions.  I really enjoys learning about many hand made canoes.

We even had time to find the lady slipper.