Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring Camporee - Cedar Point Boy Scout Camp

Spring Camporee at Cedar Point Boy Scout Camp

This campout was special with crossover of the Webelos to Boy Scout ceremony Friday night.
All of the boys earned the highest rank in Cub Scouts - The Arrow of Light

The boys will carry over with them this achivement, and have the honor to wear it on their uniform as a Boy Scout.  This was an exciting time for all the new boys as they became Boy Scouts.

As a Boy Scout the motto "Be Prepared" is deeply ingrained into the boys' minds.
They were tested with the element of Mother Nature (heavy rain and wind).  The boys learned early on the importance of planning, and packing the proper gear for camping.
Team work, and the patrol method of camping was introduced to the new Scouts as a way to learn to work together.  They set up the camp site,

with their tents and dining shelters.  They learned the Buddy system, and how to gather wood, water, and cook their meals.

The weekend was filled with learning experiences and challenges.  One of the highlights was the Zip Line.

They also learned how to tie some basic knots and lashing, and build some pioneering projects.
They had fun playing capture the flag against other troops.  Scouts participated in a service project at Cedar Point campground by clearing trails for everyone to enjoy.
This was the first of many journeys, and memories that will last a lifetime. 
Welcome to the Boy Scouts of America, and Troop 56 Fairmont, MN 

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