Friday, January 11, 2013

SPL Update - 1/11/2013

Hey Everyone, Here is a look at the next few months. Schedule January 14th- Troop Meeting - See agenda below 18th-20th- Possible campout opportunity See below. 28th- Troop Meeting - CHESS NIGHT!!! 7:30 at GLC. February 4th- PLC Meeting - 7:30 at GLC 9th- Klondike - At Cedar Point Boy Scout Camp Last Meeting For those who missed the last meeting, Here is what we accomplished. - We held Troop elections. - We still would like to have a Troop Scribe. Anyone who is interested in this position should talk to Mike, since it is a Scoutmaster appointed position. - Isaac(SPL), Carter K(ASPL) Cobras: Eagles: Connor M(PL) Conner T(PL) Cody L(APL) Adam C(APL) Ethan K Darian K Tyler M Ryan H Carlos S David L(QM) Wil H Scott M - We discussed the responsibilities of elected scouts. - We set our next meeting for the 14th of January - We discussed the possibility of a winter campout on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of January. Next Meeting Our next scout meeting will be on Monday the 14th of January from 7:30-9:00 at Grace Lutheran. Agenda: - Finalize details for the January campout. - Assign 2-3 scouts to plan the menu for our campout. - Determine date for getting groceries for the campout. - Plan 3-4 structured activities for the weekend. - Develop equipment/packing list. - Check that the trailer is ready to be used. - Hand out scouting binders to those who weren't at the last meeting (ongoing). - Work on each patrol's yell, flag, and song (possibly rename?). - Begin planning winter activities - Present summary of PLC Meeting to Troop. - Discuss the details of the chess night on the 28th. - Talk about the pancake breakfast (date, time, where to get tickets, etc.) What to bring: - Scout book - Scout binder - Ideas for the weekend campout. - Class A or B uniform. - Completed Leadership Applications (for those with a troop position) - I still need Adam's, David's, and Mine. Connor M needs a parent signature. Reminders -Check your calendars. -Are you available for Next Meeting (January 14th) -Are you available for the Winter Campout (January 18th-20th) -Are you available for Klondike (February 9th) -What activities would you like to do during the January Campout? -If you have any ideas of what YOU would like to do in the next three months, PLEASE email me. Remember, the only way I can know about your questions, comments and concerns is for you to contact me. My e-mail is, and my phone number is 235-8394. Thanks! -Isaac

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I'm not sure what happened here, but all of the formatting seems to be messed up. If you want to be able to read it more easily, check your email.
