Wednesday, January 16, 2013

SPL Update

Hey Everyone, Read the whole thing, its all in here for a reason. ****ANOUNCEMENT**** - We are changing the meeting schedule. Previous Schedule 1st Monday- Nothing 2nd Monday- Troop Meeting 3rd Monday- Nothing 4th Monday- Troop Meeting 5th Monday- Nothing NEW SCHEDULE 1st Monday- Patrol Leaders Meeting (see explanation below) 2nd Monday- Troop Meeting 3rd Monday- Troop Meeting 4th Monday- Troop Meeting 5th Monday- Troop Meeting Schedule January 17th- Shopping for the Campout 18th-20th- January Campout at Cedar Point (more info below) 21st- Troop Meeting - Build trebuchet, fix up sled for klondike 27th- Troop Meeting - CHESS NIGHT!!! 7:30 at GLC. (more info below) February 3rd- Pancake Breakfast 4th- PLC Meeting - 7:30 at GLC 8th-10th- Klondike - At Cedar Point Boy Scout Camp 11th- Troop Meeting 18th- Troop Meeting 25th- Troop Meeting Patrol Leaders Meetings The Patrol Leaders Council is a group of Scouts responsible for planning activities for the troop. It consists of every Scout who was elected/appointed to hold a position in the last election. On the first Monday of every Month we are going to have a PLC Meeting for general planning. Any member of the PLC is allowed to schedule a PLC Meeting to address a specific issue. Everyone with a position is expected to be present at the "general" PLC meetings. Everyone with a position is free to come to a "special" PLC meeting, but only those who are specifically invited will be expected to come. January Campout We will be camping out at Cedar Point on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of January (this weekend). On Thursday the 17th at 7:00PM we will meet in the Hyvee produce section to buy groceries for the campout. All Scouts are welcome to come. Anyone who comes will earn attendance extra credit, and get to have a say in what we eat. Please pack everything on the attached packing list, as well as: Mess Kits Board games Scout book Scout binder An old broom, Duct Tape and Soccer Ball (for Broomball) Sleds A football/frisbee anything else you want to bring Last Meeting For those who missed the last meeting, Here is what we accomplished. - We set our next meeting for the 21st of January. - We finalized the details for the campout this weekend. - We discussed some changes that will be happening in the Troop (see attached PLC Meeting Summary) - We discussed the details of the pancake breakfast- Scouts will be working from 8:00-2:00. If you weren't at the meeting, or need more tickets to sell, contact Corey. - We discussed the details of the Chess night on the 27th- Read the requirements ahead of time, and have all of them but the chess games done before you come. If you have a chess board please bring it. Next Meeting Our next scout meeting will be on Monday the 21st of January from 7:30-9:00 at Grace Lutheran. Agenda: - Take a look at our Klondike Sled, make any necessary repairs, or build a new one. - Build a Trebuchet for Klondike. - Assign 2-3 scouts to plan the menu for our campout. - Determine date for getting groceries for the campout. - Plan 3-4 structured activities for the weekend. - Develop equipment/packing list. - Check that the trailer is ready to be used. - Hand out scouting binders to those who still need them. - Begin planning winter activities - Arrange any final details for the chess night on the 27th. What to bring: - Scout book - Scout binder - Ideas for the trebuchet. - Class A or B uniform (B would be better as we will be building things) - Completed Leadership Applications (for those with a troop position) - I still need David's. Connor M needs a parent signature. Reminders -Check your calendars. -Are you available for Next Meeting (January 21st) -Are you available for the Winter Campout (January 18th-20th) -Are you available for Klondike (February 8th-10th) -We are beginning a new Attendance system. If you don't tell me whether or not you can be at the next meeting, you won't get 1 of the 4 points. -If you have any ideas of what YOU would like to do in the next three months, PLEASE email me. Remember, the only way I can know about your questions, comments and concerns is for you to contact me. My e-mail is, and my phone number is 235-8394. Thanks! -Isaac

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